Lucas Kirsch

We're building a new kind of inspection & reporting tool.

Company Overview

inspectagram was founded to make inspections better, faster and more enjoyable—for everyone. To achieve that goal, the team created a revolutionary new information-gathering and report-generating tool from the ground-up.

Meet the team

Our philosophy is simple — bring together a diverse, experienced & passionate set of people
(and owls) to build stuff that empowers you to work better.
Better Reports, Happier Clients

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Customer Reviews & Feedback
"I have my home inspection report right on my phone. I love referring back to it and showing others the new house I just bought. The report has so many photos and helpful details."
Chloe Kulsky
"I love the way the report reads like a magazine and how much detail is in there that I can use!"
Patti Posadowski
"I was so impressed with how quickly we got the report and how nicely it was laid out. It’s a high-quality product and much nicer than any other inspection report I’ve ever received."
Nick Foxcroft